This post is more informational, than an actual review. I recently stopped by Sephora to have a look at the Becca Sunlit Bronzers after I saw them on Sabrina at beautylookbook. They look magnificent on her, but I wondered how they would appear on dark skin, especially since she said they appear more glowy than sparkly (super accurate description), which is my kind of cheek product. I swatched all the colors, and tried out two shades on my cheeks. I’ll show what they look like indoors in natural light and indoors with flash; the sun has been hiding these past few days! Nevertheless, the photos are good representations of what they look like.
Maui Nights |

Ipanema Sun |
Bronzed Bondi |
Capri Coast |
Bronzed Bondi |
Bronzed Bondi |
Maui Nights |
Maui Nights |
I naturally thought that Maui Nights is the bronzer that was meant for my skin tone, but I rejected that notion — that I must use that bronzer only! There was just something about Bronzed Bondi that kept calling my name! I didn’t appreciate the glow until I photographed them (because Sephora lighting is so awful), as there is little to no visible sparkle once these go on your cheeks.
Where to indulge
Sephora | Ulta | Becca