So do I really need to say why this was appealing to me? Well, if you’re new to my blog then it’s because of my terrible eye bags (that I have actually found a temporary solution to!! Praise Lilith– as in the vampire! OK totes random…)! So I bought this thing from when I was on my vitacost kick. This is the second bottle I have been through. Honestly, to cut straight to the chase, I don’t see any noticeable difference. Like AT ALL. Which is so disappointing because it had such great reviews!. I think there is nothing out there beyond surgery or fillers that will totally reduce the appearance of these eye bags. To give this product the benefit of the doubt, I used it only once a day, in the morning before makeup. It is budget friendly and I like the pump, but I don’t think I will be repurchasing. I would rather just try something new. On to the next! Have a look at the ingredients and such.