I got my order from The Ordinary way sooner than I thought I would, which made me very happy. I posted about new items from the Ordinary a little while ago, and when some of them came in stock, I picked them up immediately. I settled on the Alpha Lipoic Acid 5%, 100% Plant-Derived Squalane, Advanced Retinoid 2%, and the Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 10%.

Alpha Lipoic Acid 5%
I am most excited about the Alpha Lipoic Acid. So excited that during my unboxing, I spilled half of it on the floor. So I’ve got half a bottle to work with. I don’t think I will get through half a bottle in a month, so depending on whether or not I like it, I’ll buy another.
Otherwise, I love the way this smells; it smells like cotton candy to me. It’s an oil and rubs in nicely. The Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant that’s supposed to improve the texture of skin. I could really use this as I have some small ice pick scars I want to attempt to treat. The brand recommends intermittent use since it’s such a high concentration of the acid.

100% Plant-Derived Squalane
I bought the Squalane to use in my hair! I bet you weren’t expecting that! The brand does say that it can be used in the hair and I’ll be trying it out on both to see which I like the most. The only foreseeable issue I can predict is with the amount of product. You only get 30 ml, so I predict I will run through this quickly if I use it both ways. It’s also an oil and at this point, I can’t say a little bit goes a long way as far as my dry hair goes.

Advanced Retinoid 2%
I have never been able to get excited about retinol… it reminds me of that work you do on your house, like replacing faulty wiring, that can cost a bunch but you never see it. I know retinols are stressed as important in skincare and I am still currently going through this one from Valentia. In truth this was a filler product. I chose it because the brand boasts that it uses “next-generation retinoid active technologies” so I’m curious as to how different this will be for me from retinols, and also because it’s retinoid and I am not familiar with them.

Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 10%
I tried the Vitamin C Suspension from the Ordinary, and I thought it was ok. It definitely works, but it works slowly. I’m trying the Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 10% as my next form of Vitamin C. I am currently still using Kiehl’s Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, which is functioning as my Vitamin C, and plan to introduce this into my regimen.

Stay tuned for a one-month update!
UPDATE: Check out the reviews on the Alpha Lipoic Acid and the Squalane.

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